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Summer of Abundance Bundle Pack

*Summer of Reclamation and Abundance Sale!*

SPECIAL ACCESS BONUS: 888 Lion's Gate Portal Ceremony and Activation!

White Diamond Wealth and Prosperity Codes


Our reality is shifting. Our customary ways of operating are outdated. If you want to 'manifest' the life of your dreams, the Law of Attraction isn't going to cut it. Maybe it already hasn't been working for you... Manifesting in the 5D New Earth Quantum reality looks different.

This journey is your initiation into Liberation and Expansion

It is time to unlock your inner wealth and Enter the Golden Gates into the Portal of Abundance.

The Golden Keys to Abundance correspond to the primary energy centers of the body, activating them to the higher octave New Earth Frequencies. These Keys came to me in a very specific order while I was receiving an initiation inside the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid on pilgrimage in Egypt. The Keys are simple yet profound and the journeys that have come through to activate and guide us into deeper embodiment of these energies are so beautiful and full of wisdom from our guides.

Align and Shine is a powerful Journey of Alignment, Expansion, Integration, and Illumination to help you shift your frequency and align your actions to co-create your reality in alignment with these new energies with ease, flow, and grace through activation of your Divine Feminine Energy. We focus on the primary energy centers of creation connected to manifestation – the throat and womb chakras.

Working intimately with the energetics of the Divine Feminine, a frequency activating and rising within all of us so that we can come into inner union, We focus on the primary energy centers of creation connected to manifestation – the throat and womb chakras accessing our full creational power and potential.


You will receive automatic access to...

  • 8 Golden Keys Activations recorded during Lion's Gate 2022 guided by the ascended masters
  • 10 Golden Keys Activations recorded during Lion's Gate 2023 guided by the ascended masters and interdimensional star nation frequencies of consciousness, and Gaia herself, including the Earth Star and High Heart Chakras
  • 10 Modules of Wisdom teachings corresponding to each chakra's energy center, or Gate, and the energetics of each Key required to unlock your inner wealth plus practical tips to healing each chakra. Each module includes mystery teachings related to Inanna's descent and ascent to help us connect more deeply with the Journey of Initiation, Self-Mastery, and Liberation that we are being called on to Awaken to our Power and Magic and assist with the Planetary and Collective Ascension.
  • Full Access to Align & Shine, including four deep dive modules into energetic alignment, divine feminine energetics, the energy centers of co-creation
  • Forever access to the Portal, including all modules and activations
  • Bonus Access to Worthiness: The Revolution Masterclass, The Divine Feminine Rose Code Activation, the New Earth Higher Self Activation, the Golden Flame Integration Activation, and this year's Summer Solstice Ceremony: Weaving the Golden Threads of Destiny
  • BONUS: Complimentary Access to the 888 Lion's Gate Portal Ceremony and Activation

The Benefits and Results you can Expect to Experience:

~ Feeling lighter and freer
~ Feeling less burdened by the fears, doubts, and worries that plague you as your chakra system gets cleared out
~ Feeling deeply grounded, connected, and anchored into your body as your release deep fears and wounds
~ An influx of ideas and your Creative juices flowing
~ Clarity and confidence to take bold action and expand into your light and your greatness
~ Attracting more opportunities, clients, beauty, magic and abundance because your energy field is crystal clear
~ Radiating and glowing like the light that you are, feeling younger and joyful as you release the layers of conditioning and programming
~ Upgrades to all your bodily system as the chakras are connected to nerve bundles, which penetrate our bodily systems, organs, tissues, cells, blood, fascia... upgrading in all the ways!
~ Feeling Deeply Rooted, Connected, and in the Flow of Life

Total Value $1619, all yours for just $222

You will receive automatic access to the course portal upon purchase. If you have any questions, please reach out to

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